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Mage Training Arena 攻略

玩Mage Training Arena只有一個目的,就係要unlock Bones to Peaches. (comp cape req)

所需 Pizazz points (discount after Hard desert tasks 會有九折):

Telekinetic 200(180)

Alchemist 300(270)

Enchantment 2000(1800)

Graveyard 200(180)

The rune amount is just minimum, you will want to bring more just in case of mistakes etc.

Telekinetic Theatre

Prepare: Air staff, Law runes x500

If you want to move statue left, go to the statue’s left side and use telekinetic grab

Here's a good map (Full credits to RuneHQ):

Each maze uses 7~10 law runes.

Talk to maze master after you completed a maze.

Completing a maze will reward 2 Telekinetic points.

Complete 5 mazes in a row will reward 8 extra Telekinetic points. (Total 18 points per 5 maze)

NB: For hard tasks, need to complete 50 mazes in a row.

Alchemist Playground

Prepare: Fire staff, Nature runes x900

Cast high-level alchemy on 30gp items (changes constantly, look for in-game info board)

… → Boots → Kiteshield → Med helm → Emerald → Rune longsword → Empty → Empty → Empty → … (clockwise)

Hint: If you found an empty, just search the furthest opposite cupboard

Every 100gp deposit (rounded down) = 1 Alchemist point

Note: Deposit every ~9000gp (maximum you can deposit 12000gp at one time!)

Note2: High lvl alchemy gives same coins as low lvl alchemy

NB: For hard tasks, need to deposit 270x100gp = 27000gp/30 = 900x 30gp items

Enchanting Chamber

Prepare: Lava battlestaff, Cosmic runes x150

… → Pick up all dragonstones on ground, enchant with lvl-6 enchant spell, exit, hop world → …

12 Enchantment points per lvl-6 enchant x 6 dragonstone spawn = 72 points per world hop

NB: For hard tasks, 1800/72 = 25 world hops = 150 enchants

Monster Graveyard

Prepare: Mud battlestaff, Nature runes x180

You can bring food inside to heal yourself (chocolate cake is good)

Collect as many bones as you can and cast bones to bananas

Every 16 fruit deposited = 1 Graveyard point

Note: Don’t die inside (you will lose 10 Graveyard points)

NB: For hard tasks, 180x16 fruit = 2880 fruits to deposit

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