公會主網頁: rs-hkg.rf.gd
"You need to git gud son"
Hong Kong-based RuneScape Clan | Guide Site
香港人的專屬公會 | 攻略篇
"You need to git gud son"
我地除左係高登仔既公會,亦係一個香港人既公會。Golden Son於2015年由Soul Blues成立。如果您仲玩緊RuneScape,又鐘意高登文化,可以試下同我地一齊玩架!我地會俾到您無價既友情,好似一家人咁,幫您理解呢個遊戲點玩,會有免費經驗同物品!我地係一個好輕鬆既公會,您係呢度可以好自由自在,狂玩又得,玩少少又得,同下人講野又得,自言自語又得,不過講野都尊重下人同忍讓下啦。我地有時都會有活動打怪打王,夠level就參與下啦!最重要係,我地會幫您成為呢隻game既高手,快d黎同我地玩啦!
We are an active RuneScape clan dedicated to Hong Kong players. During your stay, you will get free friends, free assistance, free XP (free stuff if you're lucky). We have an active and funny clan chat and we also do some PvM bossing occasionally. If you are not the combat person, you can still enjoy some social time with us, and talk to our charming and attractive leader! Most importantly, you can get good and we will teach you to get good in this game.