新手最緊要識睇wiki同做quest, 認識地圖

最好解左D開地圖既quest (以下只係例子): Priest in Peril (Morytania) Shanty Pass (Khardian Desert) Plague City (Ardougne) 重要 Watchtower (Yanille) The Fremennik Isles (Jatizso, Neitiznot) Shilo Village (Shilo Village) As a First Resort... (Oo'glog) 浸溫泉 Monkey Madness (Ape Atoll) 極難解
中手要解2個新spellbook同新prayer(Ancient Curses): 做到Legend's Quest,Monkey Madness就係中手, The Dig Site (Codex Ultimatus) for 新abilities: Tendrils, Ice Asylum(要91+ Constitution) 新spellbook: Desert Treasure (Ancient Magicks) [難打,Recommend cb > 100] 賣點:Blood Barrage, Ice Barrage Lunar Diplomacy/Dream Mentor (Lunar Magic) [Recommend Magic > 70] 賣點:無, Teleports , Vengenance(?)
新prayer: The Temple at Senntisten (Ancient Curses) 要先解desert treasure [Recommend Prayer > 74] 賣點:Deflect Curses(62,65,68,71), Soul Split(92), Turmoil (95)
係Menaphos升下技,準備入Priffdinnas 高手aim 解 (cb > 110): Fate of the Gods Ritual of the Mahjarrat Plague's End (Priffdinnas) 要好多skill 75+ "高手既Varrock" 入到Priffdinnas, 1年內可以MAX到! (要日日玩)